Wednesday, April 30, 2014

the snide and the Spite

I was severely annoyed with my sister.  She made a snide comment the other day when I told her to close the door because it let flies in that landed on my salad.  She replied "You should get a screen door", among other mumbled bullshit she speaks.  I dreamed we were hiking, and had to stop to make a fire.  We were lost, I picked up some dead fall and started to process it for the fire, thinking I just want to get home, I'm not enjoying nature having to take care of my sister. She pulled out a hatchet, and I felt irritated, because she has to have every "nice to have" thing.  I told her the hatchet was heavy and she didn't need to bring it, you can break logs by stomping or using your hands.  It doesn't need to look pretty, it's gonna get burned anyway.  It was also how grandpa lost his eye, flying wood chips.  She didn't pay attention, just started hacking away, mumbling to herself.  I thought I would have the fire up and going before she hacked through the one branch.  I was seething with suppressed spite and anger.  Suddenly, that feeling went away when I heard a sharp buzzing noise and a hiss like an old cat.  I took the branch I was in the middle of breaking and ran over to her.  I pinned the rattlesnakes' head to the rocks and twisted the branch until it ground through the neck and its earthy colored head popped off.  The body twisted and curled up the branch, then disappeared when I dropped it, becoming the rocks.  I felt a sick pinch in my gut when I looked at my sister who had pulled her pant leg over her calf.  The ground she stood on camouflaged it, and I hated the earth for producing and injecting her with an acidic hell.  I thought for fucks sake, why couldn't it have been me if it was gonna happen, I felt foolish for feeling how I felt earlier.  The two holes in her leg oozed, the left side was a neon blue, the right was a neon yellow oily liquid.  I kept thinking it should have been me, I'm bigger and calmer.  She is in shock and little, I abandoned the tourniquet, I thought her hyper heart probably spread the venom completely through her by now.  I picked her up fireman style and kept telling her to try and be calm, yet she was not capable of it now, she screamed about death and hysteria, I felt her words making me psychotically panicked and my thighs were already starting to burn when I woke up.

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