Friday, June 27, 2014

the Cubes

I was half asleep, kept awake by subtle movement in bed.  Anne was breathing really fast and whimpering in her sleep.  I saw the bedroom with my eyes shut, and everything looked pixelated like watching a television too close.  Of course life isn't two-dimensional, I saw everything made of cubes in the room, including myself and her (stop playing crafting video games aidan).  Then, I dreamed bits of cubes moved, pristine cut-outs of furniture and wall, myself and carpeted floor, Anne and popcorn ceiling.  The pieces traded places, becoming scrambled yet orderly, like watching the visually-aided disk-defragmenter for Windows(98?) slowly load pieces in a new way.  Then, I felt long pieces, chains of cubes linked together, pull out of me like slurping differing lengths of spaghetti noodles, and those lengths were replaced with lengths from anything else in the room that snaked its way by in the air.  The room became scrambled yet vaguely the same, like a tile mosaic that still held a picture in arrangements of shapes, implied and suggested, not literal, weird to explain.  That's all I remembered.

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