Sunday, May 25, 2014

the hospital and rat Poison

I remember my grandma's house.  It was dark out, I remember if you get on the roof you have a good view of Shiprock rock next to the hospital that has an artsy structure on top that looks like a pair of perky ears .  They were both exaggerated in my dream, the hospital structure was massive, seemed to be the corner of the world, lit with recessed lighting from the ground, the sandy colored bricks reflecting yellow and gold light.  Shiprock rock was in the distance, but just as big, also accentuated with light but reflecting more neon reddish.  I looked at the stars above both monuments, and saw a commercial jet, jumbo jet, whatever, and it was pointing nose down slowly flying towards the ground.  As if from nothing, behind it materialized a faster military jet, which shot a missile at the commercial airliner.  The missile spewed out glittery sparks behind it, for miles across the sky, colliding and detonating on target.  The commercial airliner broke in half, streaking flames to the ground.  I freaked out!  I ran inside, my mom was there ironing her uniforms.  I changed the TV to the news channel, telling her what I seen, she didn't seem to care, and when the announcement came, she didn't acknowledge it much.  I woke up a bit, it was cold in my bedroom and raining out.  I shut my window, laid back to sleep.  Then, I went to a warehouse complex, inside it was carpeted and even up the walls a bit higher than my head.  My cousin Leon was there, we were both going to work.  Throughout the complex, there were tables set up for people to sell things, most of them were selling archery equipment.  Leon tried the bows, talking how much he really wants to buy a blowgun if he could find one.  I thought it a waste of time, but still I admired how Leon could allow himself to be child-like sometimes.  We went through a restroom with a janitors closet inside.  The restroom was the restroom I remember from bootcamp, I was in "ship-staff" and cleaned the heads, swabbed the poop deck.  We used to all take packets of jelly, saltine crackers and peanut butter to hide in the pipework access.  I stocked our stash, I magically had crackers in my pockets, then we grabbed aerosol cans of some sort of rodent killer.  They had red barrels taped to them, which we had to screw onto the can nozzle.  Leon told me "this shit is really scary dangerous, don't touch the foam it sprays or breath the fumes".  We went to work, which I guess was hunting rats in the building, listening to walls and spraying behind the wall carpets.  We went outside and Leon said sometimes the rats hide in old birds nests, I found one in a corner of the wall high up, it was silent inside so I sprayed it.  The nest fell, and there were baby birds chirping in the foam.  I thought aaaagh! fuck no... and scrambled to pick them out.  They seemed fine, I grabbed parts that weren't covered in foam and threw them across the concrete.  Then, I felt the fumes burning my tongue and throat, sinuses and eyes, I ran away from it, coughing and spitting and wiping and freakin' out.  Leon said I need to go to the hospital and I remembered the commercial plane and wondered if I would see any survivors there.  I said I accidently sprayed those birds, and he said no worries it only works on rats.  That's all I remember.

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