Monday, April 13, 2015

the little Hero

I dreamed that I had my son's friends overnight, so there was a lot of kids in my apartment.  They were all asleep, I was still up watching Casablanca on my laptop (???).  Morning came quickly, and I noticed that my son, Clay, and some girl were missing.  I felt panicky, and went outside to find some guys hanging out drinking beers.  I thought them suspicious, they offered me a beer and said they were going to a diner for breakfast and I could join them.  I went along, thinking they had something to do with the missing children and I would find out where they are without alerting them.  We went to a diner, and my dream became colorless, like an old black and white film.  I asked the waitress for something without meat, then some cops busted in.  The guys called them "coppers" (haha!) then ran out the back through the kitchen.  I was about to follow when the waitress told me I had an urgent phone call.  I went to a phone booth in a corner, and it was Clay who called.  I was so relieved, he said some guys took a girl, so he followed them and found her, and that he was waiting for me in their hideout which was in a temple.  I told him to stay hidden and I was coming for them.  I rushed out the back and, conveniently, there was a temple out there, like a Mayan pyramid.  I saw the men going inside, I was really fucking angry and bolted after.  Inside, the men were waiting in line to get inside a small hole in a wall.  They were stuck I found out, because they were all handcuffed to each other at the ankles.  I pulled the first guy out of the hole, they surrendered and said the girl was in the hole, which was a tunnel.  I got in and it became the stuff of nightmares, I felt panic and fear both from the kid's safety and claustrophobia.  As I struggled through, the walls were tight against my shoulders and thighs, then I woke up with my heart racing.

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