Sunday, July 12, 2015


I dreamed I was on a ship.  I was alone, the passageways were empty, the offices and spaces and berthings, all empty.  The lights were on inside, humming with electricity it was so silent.  I checked outside, it was night.  Only dim red lights lit the walls out there, the stars and moon were brilliant over calm waters.  I went back inside, I felt extremely lonely.  I just wanted to see anyone or anything, it was really creepy.  I saw one of those old diving suits, the helmet and torso was a brass bulb with scuttle windows.  The legs and boots were iron.  I named him Bob, and asked where everyone went.  No answer, of course, so I put on Bob.  He was heavy, I wanted to walk around and amuse myself.  It was difficult at first, then much easier.  So much so, I thought maybe I can climb down into the engine room below through an escape hatch, which was a laddered 3'x3' drop about 3 levels.  I opened the hatch on the floor , clambered in and fell.  I didn't land on the floor, I broke through it, then another and another until I was sinking underneath the ship.  I was sore all over, the moon lit the ocean floor up, it looked like a desert with small corals polka dotted across it.  The ships belly was dark, casting a shadow over me.  I just stood there, I was scared.  I saw no life in the ocean, I just wanted to stand there a bit, thinking when I need to surface I gotta abandon Bob on the seafloor.  Suddenly, I saw a huge something coming, huge and dark in the distance.  It looked like a jumbo jet at first, flying straight at me, then I recognized as it came closer it was a whale.  I was a little intimidated, but I wanted to touch it if it swam close enough by me.  Maybe she was lonely too, and I felt like showing her she's not alone.  I took weightless steps to intercept it, holding a hand out to stroke her.  When she got right next to me, I completely freaked out, it wasn't a whale, but a massive shark.  Her white mouth hung open with teeth seeming to splinter out in every direction, her black soulless eye looked everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  She was, like I said, the size of a jumbo jet, yet silent as she passed over me.  I cowered, I fell to the seafloor, yet she passed gently by.  I laid staring up at the ship, I felt the weight of so much water pressing against me, I even felt the ships weight seemingly on top of tons of water.  I felt so small, so vulnerable yet calm at the same time.  That's all I remember.

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