Friday, August 7, 2015

the swine Suare

I dreamed I was with my family.  It wasn't happy, however, but saddening they were all drunk.  We were at a catered event, somewhere in a canyon at night.  The festive lighting illuminated the red rock walls.  There was a lot of food, it smelled fried and barbequed, it made me sick.  Everyone started to leave, saying I should meet them all at the casino.  I became interested, because there is a girl I admire who works there.  I was driving towards a town, it was bright there with city lights, then another source of light rose from within it.  It was a giant, it looked like it spewed glowing, molten matter from its mouth and hands.  Strangely, it wasn't scary.  I got a call from my grandma, she said she needed help cleaning her yard.  I changed my mind about the casino and drove to her house.  It was still night, but the moon lit the ground in purple glow.  She has a woodpile there, and the firewood was strewn across the yard.  I started replacing them, and I kept finding random toys half buried in the dirt, so I also made a toy pile.  Grandma said there's more wood in her truck, so I started offloading it as well.  While picking through the bed full of scrap lumber and stuff, I pulled out a heaping wad of undercooked, greasy, leathery strips of bacon.  I pulled a piece out and it was as tall as me.  Like, a fucking 6 foot long strip of bacon, wtf!?  I tossed it aside, thinking that must have come off a huge fucking pig, gross... poor thing.  My grandma came outside and said my mom called, asking if I could pick some things up on my way back.  She gave me a list and it was a very long list of booze for the family.  I became annoyed about it, I walked to her old red shed and unlocked it.  Then, in my dream, I became self aware and thought, "I just destroyed this shed with a crowbar a few months ago."  I became curious and went inside.  (This was the first time I became aware I was dreaming, and made choices on what to do, it was incredible.)  Inside the shed, it was my bedroom.  I went to my bed and found a spider web underneath.  In it lay a black widow, but I didn't kill it.  I just laid on my bed, trusting it wouldn't kill me.  That's all I remember

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