Sunday, June 7, 2015

the gentile Runner

I dreamed I joined a club or commune or something, not sure what it was.  I had an advisor, he was to make sure I was doing everything correct that the organization required.  One of those things was that we basically could own nothing.  I gave up my clothes and they gave me red robes to match everyone else.  There was a pocket on it, I hid my cellphone in it.  I also snuck dog tags I was issued in the Navy, which had my denomination (PENT) and a small silver cross.  My advisor caught it, said I should get rid of them.  I said okay, but didn't.  The members were all called together outside, there was a football field with a running track around it.  We lined up and had to run, it was like a qualification, we had to run a mile under our time designated by age to qualify.  It was bizarre, the proctors told us how to run properly, and that was to lean forward so much that you have to use your hands on the ground to keep from falling over.  It didn't make sense, and all the other members looked just as confused as me.  We started the run, there were so many people in red robes clogging the track.  The proctors kept screaming that everyone is doing it wrong, and people kept giving up.  Soon the whole track was cluttered with folks in red robes sitting or laying down.  I kept running, trying not to step on anyone.  Suddenly, it became really hard to run, it felt like I was running in a pool of water up to my neck, or what I imagine running on the moon would feel like.  My feet kept slipping from under me, I wanted to fall forward.  I leaned forward while I ran, stepping on peoples' robes, leaping over them.  It was starting to feel like I was running up a hill, yet the track remained horizontal.  I had to use my hands to keep myself upright, I was like a gorilla on my knuckles.  The proctors told me to stop, asking how I figured it out.  It was hot in the robes, I took it off and they saw my dog tags and my phone that fell out the pocket.  They told me to leave after seeing, and my advisor told me while he walked me out that they were afraid of me that I actually did the stupid run, and that they only used my unauthorized items as an excuse to kick me out.  That's all I remember.

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