Friday, October 24, 2014

google searching Exorcism

I must be angry, I must have something misplaced in my spirit, a lot of what I write in my dream journal is full of aggressive symbols, lately.  Knowing is half the battle, at least I know now, because I don't feel angry.  I dreamed about bad things, about witches and a demon.  I remember when I was a child, I seen a demon, not like a scary apparition, but I seen a man who every other older man surrounded him and said he was under the influence of one.  It was scary, I cried, I was so small.  I was torn away from the site, I loved that man.  In my dream, I saw him again.  I am stronger though, and I wanted to help.  He said there are witches, and said to look in the laundry room.  I did, and found the dryer and bed were alive.  This probably sounds nuts, but fuck it.  I didn't now what exactly to do, so I whipped out my cellphone and google searched "expelling witches from furniture".... and google answer said I need a fresh dead crow.  So, I go to a pavilion outside where there are crows and pigeons, and people staring at me in bewildered amazement at my open act of trying to kill one crow.  They were freaked out of me, calling the police.  I didn't care, and tried to the last second to catch one before I had to run from the authorities.  I got away, and was found by a woman.  She said I can hide here, then said after a time she can help me with the witches.  I said thank you, and led her to the laundry room.  She took my cellphone, saying when I see a witch, to call the number she puts in my address book, either "dryer" or "bed", and then she left.  I felt shame about relentlessly trying to massacre crows in front of people earlier, and waited.  When the dryer and bed came alive again, I whipped out my cellphone to call the numbers, and found my contact list was displayed in symbols I didn't recognize, "oh shit!" moment, I felt confounded in fuckery.  That's all I remember.

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