Tuesday, September 16, 2014

all the kings Horses

I dreamed I was in a house with many doors, the floors were uneven and the steps leading to rooms did not make sense.  All the doors had flags hanging from them, just geometric shapes and colors.  They stood for differing factions, the residents of the house were angry at each other and there was a war happening.  I realized the people living here were not soldiers but still had their factions and beliefs, yet were forced to live in this complex.  There was a girl there that was nice to everyone, I felt nothing for her, and she approached me.  She asked if I could take her and her friends on a road trip away from here, and said she would give me a gift.  I said okay, so we all got together in an RV, I drove them.  Her and her friends, all guys, were in the back drinking, reckless in bliss, I saw her making out with them, each until they passed out.  In her drunken state, she sat next to me and gave me a gift bag, saying here is that thing I promised you, but please don't let the guys see it.  I said fine, and placed it in the door pocket to open later.  She then tried to kiss me, I resisted, and she became angry.  She yelled at me, said "I don't want to get married to a bum in that little town!", that's why she asked me to drive her away.  She said she planned to get her friends drunk and ask me to leave them at a rest stop.  I was confused, and I became fearful of opening her gift.  She became very sexually aggressive with me, playful and naïve.  I had to stop the RV and walk away, she had no idea I thought she was fucking psycho.  The girls father had called the police on me, saying that I kidnapped her.  I complied when they caught us, saying it was the girl setting us all up.  When the police questioned her, she began to cry and plead with her friends.  They seemed gullible, saying that they wanted to run away and their relationship with each other was complicated.  She victimized herself and played the part through, hanging on them like she never conjured to leave them on the highway.  Throughout the entire investigation she looked at me sadly and lost, like somehow I too was supposed to help her lie.  The officer asked about the gift I accepted in payment, I said I haven't opened it yet.  I retrieved it from the RV and when he looked inside he immediately confiscated it, that's all I remember.

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