Tuesday, March 31, 2015

the gold Coins

I dreamed about God.  Or something heavenly, with a voice like thunder.  His voice came from no one place, but from everywhere.  I was in a room with stone walls, it was long like a hallway but with only one door that I guess I came through and a lit fireplace at the other.  The air felt humid and stuffy.  The voice made me fall over to cover my ears and eyes, I was beginning to scream because it made my body tingle like when your leg falls asleep but way more intense with each word, I didn't hear my own screams.  He said something like "You were so blessed but I said he has to leave".  His tone, despite how much it hurt me, was eerily normal, like he wasn't even yelling at me or angry but I felt like I was gonna die anyway.  When the echoing boom subsided, I felt a coldness from my head spilling down my spine.  Next, I saw an old friend, and I was confused why the voice said a "he".  She was asleep on the floor, and I tried to wake her but she was lightly snoring and chattering her teeth.  I really didn't feel like talking to her anyway, thinking fuck it I'll just leave she'll never know.  When I got up, I realized I was bleeding from my upper back where the cold settled, down my arms and dripping from my fingertips.  I felt faint and sick and panicky, I didn't make it to the door I just laid on the floor and saw that my blood drops there were congealing into gold coins.  That's all I remember.

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