Tuesday, June 10, 2014

xmas in June

I dreamed that I was shopping for Christmas gifts.  I don't like vicious crowds or annoying sales people or buying Christmas, so I left the department store out the back, where all the stock is.  When I got outside, there was a "wintery wonderland" set up, but it's June so everything was fake.  There were wrapped gifts everywhere, white felt sheets over the ground and packing peanuts strewn about to mimic snow.  There was of course Christmas trees, lights, a Nativity scene and a Santa Clause scene with reindeer and elves.  I was alone, noticed the nativity scene, which was on a wooden platform raised to eye level, and it was on fire.  I thought oh shit, and ran back inside for help.  There was no one, but on a forklift I found a fire extinguisher, so I immediately and effectively used it.  Then there were people, upset people, old folks, some in the motorized shopping carts.  They were upset because I put the fire out, and the burning of all this crap was a "tradition".  They became further irritated because no one had a source of flame to continue.  So, I thought "ooo... fire, fun", and went back to the forklift, took off the propane fuel source to use as ignition.  I opened the tank and let the gas bleed onto a wad of felt "snow" until it became soaked.  I ignited it with a spark from a broken rock and a chain link from a chain that held Santa's sleigh in the air.  All their shit started burning, they were still upset yet gracious enough to say I can have one of the gifts, and I became very confused, seeing as though I just torched all their gifts.  Then, it became evident that the gift exchange was to wrap gifts that wouldn't burn, that way no one felt like they got a worthless gift.  I thought it bizarre, and after the blaze everyone picked up gifts from the ashes, some fighting over a few.  All the tags burned so you couldn't tell who it was from.  There was nothing left, I stayed distant, it was weird.  Then, they were intent on making me pick a gift, to take it away from someone, and I refused.  Instead, I picked up the chain I used to make sparks, and said I'll take this, it's plenty useful.  It was still warm from the blaze and left soot on my hands, and I thought "oh goodie, this will be handy in the truck".  They literally felt pity for me and thought me an idiot so I started to not care who or what they are.  I took the slightly used fire extinguisher, the chain and the broken rock back to my truck, that's all I remember.  Best Christmas ever, 10 out of 10.

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