Monday, May 12, 2014

the animal House

I dreamed it was night out, a group was in a van with a sliding door, full of things.  We were moving into a new house, Cody Lundin was driving (yessss...).  We reached the house and there were more people moving in with us, it was a large house and no lights were on except for TV's and computers and faces lit by smartphones.  I walked into one of the bedrooms and there was a dude playing video games, I didn't recognize him.  He said there was a snake in the drawer in his armoire, I was scared it was a rattlesnake, but I opened it anyway.  The thing bit my finger.  I thought oh hell no, shit shit shit.. but then Cody Lundin said it wasn't a poisonous species and pulled it slowly out of the drawer.  As he pulled, we discovered the tail end of the snake was inside a real rattlesnakes mouth, it was in the process of being swallowed.  He dropped it and the three of us freaked out, ran in the hall, locked the door and I took my shirt off and stuffed it under the door so it couldn't creep out there.  We went to find help, I entered a room that was wall to wall stuffed with reptile terrariums and fish tanks.  You could hear the electricity in the room, and it smelled like poop.  There was unnatural humidity in there and was softly lit by red heat lamps.  It was gross, you could hear all the creatures skittering around in their little glass cells.  I looked around but no one was in the room, so I left to the living room.  It was still dark inside, there were people on the couches and on the cozy carpeted floor curled up in mountains of blankets.  I looked behind a couch and found a chinchilla, and I slowly reached out to grab him.  He snarled at me, it sounded like Donald Duck sneezed then had an epileptic seizure, but I picked him up successfully.  I felt like o.m.g... this vermin is fuckin' adorable, and my heart exploded from the stupid amount of cuteness.  I pet him, and I realized in the blankets next to the couch on the floor were a group of infant chimpanzees staring at me.  I froze, then freaked out when the momma screamed at me and chased me across the room, pounding the carpet with her fists.  I clung to my chinchilla, "I won't let anything happen to you, buddy..", and I felt like crying when i got cornered but she stopped.  I realized I was next to a nest that was glowing blue, as big as the couches, and there were strange birds in it staring at me.  They looked like if black flamingos curled into balls like a coiled snake, with glowing blue lines along their bodies.  They seemed harmless, but I didn't wanna touch them.  Then I woke up at 3 a.m. on the couch, Animal Planet on the TV.

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