Monday, December 29, 2014
I dreamed that I was in an office building looking to steal a file. I was going through a cabinet and when I found it, a girl came up behind me. She found me out, and said she was going to call for help. I told her by the time she gets to a phone I'll be gone anyway, then she threw herself on the floor and started ripping her clothes up. She said they'll find me when she reports that I raped her. I noticed there was a camera in the lounge area where she stood, between me and the door, so I climbed on top of the cabinet and into the false ceiling, out a vent onto the roof. I know the camera would catch her totally not being raped. I got in my car and drove through what looked like an industrial area, like a power plant. There were other people in the car I didn't recognize, one of them pointed at a tower and said there was smoke. I looked up and there was red smoke billowing on top a white radio tower. Then, the tower exploded, I assumed the red smoke designated an artillery strike. I heard booms and saw rockets lifting into orbit on the horizons, everyone in my car was getting scared. I saw a news helicopter approaching us, but as it got closer I saw it was retrofitted with weapons. We got out of the car and I lead the people, including the falsely raped girl (???), into some tall buildings with narrow streets, where I thought the helicopter couldn't follow. That's all I remember.
turtle Power
Clay told me his dream. He said he was in a store, and he got lost. He couldn't find his mom and it was kinda scary. Then Michelangelo found him and they looked for her together. When they didn't find her, Michelangelo drove him home. She wasn't there, so they drove back to the store. Clay saw his mom but she didn't answer, and they lost her again. So, they drove back home, and finally she was there. Then, Michelangelo turned into a puppet.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Sometimes we should think about something important, stop and ponder critically about it. This time it's very important. My heart is heavy and saddened today. It's not anyone's fault, it's just a part of life, I learned that already. When it happens to someone else, I remember how I felt and it feels worse. My mother is hurting. I can't wish her feelings away and take them for myself, I would if I could. A person on this Earth out of a few, that I am blessed to have in my life, doesn't deserve this. Watching her crumble is fucking awful. I haven't prayed in so long, I have walked so far away from all that, I don't even care about myself in that way anymore, but I tried. I cried and I fell, I pleaded for Him to rescue her. I said I would lift her up above the waves even if it meant I drown. I said I would take all that pain and anguish for myself, and swallow it with a smile if I saw her continue to be happy. She deserves that, more than I and more than anyone I know. It's not fair, I prayed. I found I spoke truthfully when I pray, and that no answer came because of the guilt and shame I feel when kneeling before Him. I'm lost and forgotten, but I don't care right now, mom needs comfort and a place to stay. Mom needs a prayer from able souls, this that I am not. I cooked for her, I made her bed and talked with her until she slept, I embodied a loving and caring son. Until she drifted away from all this, into the place I love the most, in dreams. In a sense I did take her pain away, I saw her off to that place, then buckled and broke down myself. I won't let her see me like this, sad, worried, angry, she doesn't need that. She needs love. As I sat alone up so late, I found that indeed my prayer was answered without me knowing, that if God as an entity is love, He has channeled so much through me to give to her. So, have it all mom, I kept none for myself, and sweet dreams.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
First I remember I was with a group of people, some friends and some I didn't recognize. There was a girl who seemed drawn and interested in me, but I felt out of place and remained cordial. The guys in our group attended her lecherously, which I thought was why she confided in me because I wasn't interested in her. She asked me if I wanted to go vote in an election, for the Navajo Nation. I said okay, and when we set out for the chapter house the guys followed us and she became annoyed. When we got there, the staff made us take a test before we were able to vote. I thought it would be like a survey or something relevant to the election, but it was a math test. The front page of the test booklet was blank followed by three pages of multiple choice questions. It was a timed test, and I finished mine quickly but I felt stupid after because the test instructions were to show how we got the answer on the front page, but I just did it in my head and didn't show my work. I still passed, and she passed hers as well. She asked if I wanted to go with her to Albuquerque tonight to celebrate our success, for drinks and conversation. I said okay. We left to get ready to go, I put on some nice clothes and went to pick her up, but at the house all the guys were there, ready as I was to celebrate. She was really annoyed, and asked if I would help her do her chores and that she is unable to go, then pulled me aside to whisper that it was an attempt to get the guys to leave us. I said ooookayyyy.... (??? wtf). Then to her disappointment, the guys all volunteered to help her out. She said her cows needed to be milked, haha what?!!! Then, there really were cows. They attempted, but the cows became agitated. I tried it, I never milked a cow, it seemed I was doing it properly, and I ended up milking all the cows in my fancy duds, while the guys ogled the agitated girl.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
all manner of Creepy
I dreamed that I was in a house with high windows and wood walls. There were lots of people there who were complaining that there was a snake outside on the patio. I went to take care of it, outside the patio was ridiculously large, like a football field of wooden slats. It was covered with rattlesnakes, the buzz they made when I stepped close was deafening. I went back inside and told everyone to stay inside and that I had an idea. Apparently, I had a terrarium in my room full of black snakes that could eat the rattlesnakes. I took a few out and put them in a plastic grocery bag, then went outside and pulled a black snake out and tossed it at a rattlesnake. The black snake ate the rattlesnake head first, and turned into what looked like a slimy worm that wiggled between the patio slats and disappeared. I continued to eradicate the rattlesnakes this way, till the last one, and it was bizarre that it seemed I had an unlimited supply of black snakes in the bag. On the last rattlesnake, I tossed the black snake at it and this time the black snake ate the rattlesnake tail first, leaving the rattlesnake able to strike back. It did, striking the black snake over and over again on the neck until its head became severed with the rattlesnakes tail still partially swallowed inside, and I saw the rattlesnake continued to strike its own tail, poisoning itself and then attempting to eat the black snake tail first, with its own tail still in the belly. The two bodies coiled around each other into a ball, then the small mass grew larger and larger, from like the size of a grapefruit to a basketball, then a toad popped out. WTF!!!
Friday, December 5, 2014
Sometimes, I don't remember. Sometimes I write things in my dream journal at 2 a.m. and go back to sleep and when I read what I wrote in a sleepy daze, I think WTF is this?!? So, just to share, here is one I wrote and don't remember, can't make sense of and vaguely remember even waking up to write it down. I write in caps also, is why. ???
Sometimes, I don't remember. Sometimes I write things in my dream journal at 2 a.m. and go back to sleep and when I read what I wrote in a sleepy daze, I think WTF is this?!? So, just to share, here is one I wrote and don't remember, can't make sense of and vaguely remember even waking up to write it down. I write in caps also, is why. ???
the glass Spine
I dreamed that I was recovering from back surgery. I laid in the hospital bed, and the doctor told me they had to put glass in my spine. He said it was the perfect material to help me, but considering it was glass I couldn't move too much or I would shatter my implants (??? the fuck!). I hate doctors and hospitals, this felt like a nightmare. When I woke, the dream doctor and my surgery was ridiculous, but in the dream I felt so convinced that my life depended on not breaking my glass spine. The doctor said I would see a physical therapist who specializes in rehabilitating people with glass spines, and over time my muscles will compensate for and protect it. Then, he said I would have an increase in neural activity within my body because my spine would be able to send information more efficiently just like fiber-optic technology. I immediately thought "Bullshit!!!", and continued to not trust him and freak the fuck out, that's all I remember.
the Hunter
I first remember I was hiking by myself, I was out in the desert at sunset. I saw silhouettes of men with backpacks toward the setting Sun, and as I walked I noticed our paths will cross soon. When they got close enough, they waved and yelled in a language I didn't know. They all looked like they been out in the wilderness a good while, unkempt beards and hair, tired and careless apparel, all seven of them. If you ever seen hunger, I saw it in their faces, their eyes were sunk and cheek bones prominent but not proud. They gestured for me to follow them, and pointed at a nearby mesa. They gestured with their hands "sleep" and I figured that's their camp, I followed. When we got there, they had tents pitched and started a fire, then offered me some food. I don't know what they were eating, it looked like dry Cream of Wheat before they added boiling water, but smelled funky. Not wanting to be rude, I forced some down, then found as I looked at them that they were equally appalled. In relaxation, they shed layers of clothing and I saw they all looked emaciated. It was kind of freaky, and I felt very out of place. Earlier in the hike, I saw something that I thought could help (I saw this for real while hiking, is why I remembered in my dream). I had seen a mule deer, he was old. He had greying and splotchy hair, and I knew he had fought a lot because he had a broken antler and scars on his face. I knew exactly where he was, and it would be a service to the gene pool if I removed the old brawler, who I figured was terrorizing the young bucks. I had my shotgun, so I got up and left. It was awkward, the men were confused and maybe thought I was trying to leave their hospitality, I tried my best to gesture I would be back, and I finally just left I didn't care what they thought because they would understand when I returned. The old stag was exactly where I thought he would be, dispatching him was too easy and I carried it all the way back in the dark. When I got back, the men were stunned, they quickly came to help me. They said a lot of things I didn't understand with smiles and teary eyes as they processed the old deer, they were making a shitload of food. They did everything, all I did was sit next to the fire and brew a pot of tea from Ephedra cutleri (botany skills!!!). Then, they gave me a gift, it was a book with the cross on it, a Bible, and I was confused about the language barrier because the Bible was printed in English. That's all I remember.
faith of a Spider
I dreamed that I was running home, I felt terror and adrenaline. I was running from a giant, her hand reaching out for me could easily hide all of me in a fist, her hair and robe she wore were bleach white. What was really fucking freaky was that she made no noise, no footsteps or breathing or rustle of clothing. I got home and quickly unlocked the door, then went for the closet under the stairs because I thought it was the safest place to hide if she shoves her arm through the windows. I felt the ground move, then the walls in the closet, then I knew she was trying to lift the building off its foundation. I tried to calm myself, and for some reason I thought maybe if I have enough faith I could climb up the wall and cling to the ceiling so she won't find me. I thought about it, and as the building creaked and shifted, I put my hands on the wall and climbed to the ceiling, like a spider. The ground disappeared far below me but I clung to the ceiling, even when she shook the building to try and dump me out. She turned the building upside down and found me, I got scared again and suddenly all that faith I had left me, I fell down (onto the ceiling) and she stuck her fingers into the closet and got me, kind of like lightly holding the last Pringle chip from the can with your fingertips. That's all I remember.
the Lego tower
I dreamed that the mayor of a city, I don't know where, commissioned me to do an art project. I asked a school of elementary kids to help me build a sculpture out of Legos. The mayor was expecting something else, I guess, but since the project got so much attention because of the children, he let me continue. I asked the kids to start building a life size skyscraper, thinking they would only build a small tower. They were having fun, and I left them to get more Legos, I was planning to build a sculpture on the backside of the tower in secret. The mayor said he would keep bringing in more Legos as the children needed them, so I started working on my sculpture. As I was building, the tower that the children were building was becoming exponentially taller, and I kept having to make my sculpture bigger and bigger. I was building a Gundam, from a Japanese animated series, I figured that would blow the kids away and any other geek like me. The children finished their tower, and when I finished my Lego sculpture our work was literally as tall as a skyscraper, like 100 stories tall. When I finally reached the ground, all the kids were looking at my sculpture and they were blown away, I felt proud of my work seeing them "shine" with amazement. I hadn't seen the tower they built from the front, so I went to look. When I walked around, it was not what I expected from elementary children, the tower looked like a cathedral with artwork in the windows to mimic stained glass, and recessed sculpting that depicted anything you can imagine a child would imagine. It was monolithic, it overwhelmed me what they did, I felt my face drop into a stupor and a fluttering tightness drop into my belly, that's all I remember.
scawy Ganma
I first remember feeling stressed out. I was in a strange house, on the second floor in a dim hallway. I knocked on a bedroom door and an old voice bellowed "hurry up!" I went in to see the room was lit with dawn, and dust particles reflected it making the room seem to glow. There was a grandma in the bed, sitting upright in her nightgown and hair net, legs tucked under her quilt. She looked sternly at me, and said she needs to have breakfast soon so she has time to get to church. I asked what she wanted to eat, she said pancakes and sausage. I rushed to the kitchen and started cooking. I only had vegetarian sausage that I tried once (YUCK!) and thought hopefully she won't tell the difference. I pulled out a skillet from the oven, and it was so big it fit over all four burners on the stovetop. I lit all the burners, and whipped up a whole box of batter. I poured it over the giant skillet and cooked a pancake that was like 3' in diameter, then I started to melt a box of butter on top, four sticks. I got even more stressed out when I realized there was no maple syrup, and the grandma will be upset. Then, I woke up as I was wondering if she was my grandma, because I didn't recognize her.
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